“gorkemkazan.com” website does not represent a healthcare institution or a business. No data is collected from you during your visit to this page. “gorkemkazan.com” is a website created to inform individuals about hair transplantation and hair loss without any commercial intent. It does not provide health services. Diagnosis and treatment must only be performed by a doctor. The information on this website cannot be used for diagnosing or treating patients. All responsibility for using the information published on this website for such purposes lies with the visitor and user. Individuals who access this website are deemed to have accepted these warnings. The photos/images used are not intended for promoting the sale of products/materials and are used solely for design purposes. In accordance with relevant laws, before-and-after surgery photos of patients are not published on this website. All the surgical procedures, information, commentary, and images described on this website are for informational purposes and do not serve as an advertisement or a guide for diagnosis and treatment. To achieve accurate and healthy results, you must consult a specialist doctor.

Official Gazette Date: 12.05.2003
Official Gazette Number: 25106

In accordance with the regulation on beauty and aesthetic health institutions that came into force, the 10th Chamber of the Council of State has decided to halt hair transplant applications in beauty centers until the conclusion of the legal proceedings.

From now on, hair transplantation (restoration) procedures can only be performed in centers and hospitals that have surgical units as per the Regulation on Private Healthcare Institutions Providing Outpatient Diagnosis and Treatment.

Article 16:
It is essential that commercial advertisements and announcements comply with laws, principles established by the Advertisement Board, general morality, public order, personal rights, and be honest and truthful. Advertisements that deceive or mislead the consumer, exploit their lack of experience or knowledge, endanger their life or property safety, promote violence and crime, harm public health, or exploit patients, the elderly, children, and disabled individuals, as well as covert advertising, are prohibited.

Comparative advertisements of competing goods and services that meet the same needs or aim for the same purpose may be allowed. Advertisers are responsible for proving the concrete claims made in their advertisements or announcements. Advertisers, advertising agencies, and media organizations are required to comply with the provisions of this article.