Facts About Hair Transplantation
In this section, general information about hair transplantation will be provided. In recent years, hair transplantation has become a popular profession in Turkey due to its high earning potential. However, hair transplantation is a procedure that must only be performed by doctors, and it is unacceptable for individuals without medical knowledge to work in this field. Turkey has the highest number of hair transplant centers in Europe. The main reasons for this are the ability to perform maximum graft transplants and the relatively low prices. Turkey has become a preferred destination for many patients from Europe, Asia, and Arab countries seeking hair transplantation as part of medical tourism. In addition to hair transplants, Arab patients, in particular, also come to Turkey for mustache and beard transplants.
Before deciding on a hair transplant, there are several criteria you need to consider, which are explained in this article.
Genetic Factors
Firstly, your hair type and genetic pattern of hair loss are important. Look at other family members who have experienced hair loss. This includes not only your father and brother but also your grandfather, uncles, and even your great-grandfather. Understanding genetic hair loss helps predict the future condition of your hair and allows the hair transplant center to create an appropriate plan. For example, a 22-year-old wanting a transplant for the front and vertex area may experience further hair loss in the existing hair between those areas by age 27, causing the vertex to widen. Therefore, it is important to make a decision about hair transplantation based on your age and genetic hair loss with a well-structured plan.
Choosing the Hair Transplant Center
When selecting a hair transplant center, consider the following:
- Your priority should always be a major city closest to you. If there is a good transplant center in your city, it would be wise to choose that.
- Centers in smaller cities often work with teams from larger cities like Istanbul or Ankara. However, it is better if the hair transplant center has its own in-house team.
- Choose centers that handle no more than 1-2 cases per day, as this increases the quality of the work.
- Opt for places that perform the procedures in hospitals or medical centers, specifically in operating rooms.
- Always select a center with a plastic surgeon or dermatologist. It’s important to have a doctor responsible for your transplant.
- Ask for information about the team performing the procedure, inquire about their experience and how long they’ve been working together.
Pre- and Post-Operative Considerations
Once you decide to proceed with hair transplantation, here are some points to consider during and after the procedure:
- If you notice any issue or discrepancy with what was promised, don’t hesitate to seek a solution and assert your rights.
- You are paying for the procedure, and it’s your right to expect the best outcome. If necessary, cancel or postpone the procedure.
- When researching hair transplant centers, gather information about methods that suit your age, hair loss, follicle quality, and financial situation.
- Don’t limit yourself to just one center. Consult multiple centers, either by sending photos via WhatsApp or through face-to-face meetings.
- Be aware that sales tactics can vary between hair transplant centers. Some centers may try to sell by offering free products such as PRP, ozone shampoo, lotions, creams, or sprays. Remember, the core process is the same everywhere: follicles are extracted, channels are opened, and grafts are transplanted. Only the materials used may vary.
Hair transplantation is an aesthetic procedure you will carry for the rest of your life. Therefore, it is crucial to conduct thorough research and make the right decision to avoid undergoing an irreversible procedure.